'Just Be Yourself"

be yourself know yourself Jul 02, 2018

How many times have you heard this advice from well-meaning family and friends?

How helpful was it when you did hear it?

I am gonna guess, not very helpful!

What does it even mean, especially when you don't know who or what 'yourself' is.

But like it or not, we are stuck with ourselves.

Could it be possible that you are not being 'yourself'?

How can you tell when you are being, well 'you'?

If you're not being 'you' then who exactly are you being?

Are you a Scorpio with a Leo rising?

Are you a mother, lawyer, wife and Christian?

Are you a vegetarian that secretly buys bacon sandwiches when you're on your own?

Are you all of these things, none of these things?

Do these things even make you, you?

Humans have been questioning and studying what makes us unique for centuries.  

We are indeed a curious mix of many parts, bits of emotion, feelings, thoughts, lived experiences, upbringing, DNA, social media, religion, politics and random collisions of parents...

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